Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a brain disorders were a person will do some daily activities multiple times. [When someone does the same activity for multiple times in the same day and then to repeatedly do the activity multiple times a week.] People suffering from OCD have a routine that they use to keep themselves on paths to function in the society around them. Though to most people the rituals that a person suffering from OCD does it so that they are able to cope in society. To many in society the behavior that is displayed by people suffering from OCD is that too which they think is that behavior of a individual that is in their mind crazy. To be diagnosed with OCD a person has to talk to a practicing physician and their symptoms or the way they act must match those in the DSM-IV. There are many types of disorders, but the seven most common OCD are the checkers, washers and cleaners, repeaters, orders, hoarders, thinking ritualizes, worriers and pure obsessionals. (DSM-IV 456) The people displaying the checker symptom have to check items like the stove is off even if that over 30 times in 30min and a washer is some who repeatedly cleans their hands for germs for and extended time. While a order has to have their house in the most pristine condition and a hoarder is some one who can not get rid of any thing they own.
Over the last decade OCD has become more wildly known and popularized thanks to the shows like Monk. In the show Monk there is a private detective that has multiple disorders one of which is OCD and the need to complete random rituals that in his mind allowed him to function in society. After the death of Monk’s wife he suffers a nervous breakdown where he is unable to continue his job at the police force. Throughout the series Monk is using is supposed disability to his advantage to solve challenging and difficult cases. One condition that persists in a person with OCD are the compulsions which Monk displays in the series. He must repeatedly washes his hands and has to touch everything he passes. The behavior that is displayed in Monk is on the extreme side of the spectrum for OCD. With the public shown Hollywood’s perception of what OCD is that any one with milder case of OCD by medical standards can be thought of by some as being as extreme as Monk.
With people always needing an explanation for their behavior and those of their friends are in need of some way to explain their behavior. “We seem unable to acknowledge that we simply don’t know. The needs for diagnosis and remediation of behavioral and emotional problems are enormous” (Adler 136). In Reading in deviant behavior the story by Adler is very intuitive in the understand of what people believe. Most people are in need of some activity to help them understand why they act a certain way. Understanding oneself for anyone is a challenge and for someone to be diagnosed with a disorder makes harder for them to truly understand themselves. Not being able to fully understand why they act the way they do in society. One of the most effective therapy treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy. This treatment requires the subject to be exposed to the obsession along with teach a person a healthy and effective way to responded to obsessive thoughts.
OCD can be perceived as a “Disability can serve as a master status and can carry with it stigma”(Taylor 173). Having OCD as a person’s master status makes it seem that there is less chance to considered a contributing member to society . By having a master status of a disability or a mental disorder people face the thought of being judged by people have of them and the ideas the come up with over time and what they see from the behavior displayed by the individuals. By being perceived as having a disability even though it may be considered a mental disorder some people can be aliened from society for having a different way of going through life. If you look at the story of Emanuel who grew up with a father that did not believe his son to be different but when people at Emanuel said there be a problem his father decided to home school Emanuel and his so later found out he had ADHD but was able to function in society with little interference. After talking to a physiologist he was told he Had ADHD but was only give lessons in social interaction which were to his advantage. Emanuel was a boy if the government had its way in school he would have been placed in a slow learning class room and probably would have been unable to achieve a college degree.
Attach is an audio clip of Emanuels story.
Word cont 822
American Physiological Association, “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder “, American Physiological Association, Washington DC , 456-463
Adler A. Patricia, Reading in Deviant Behavior, Allyn & Bacon Pearson, Bosten MA, Ch 20
Taylor J Steven Reading in Deviant Behavior, Allyn & Bacon Pearson, Bosten MA, CH 26
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Geration Rx
Generation Rx is a film that discuses the effects of prescription drugs and there psychiatric effects on children. This documentary looks in to are metical system and its willingness to prescribe children psychiatric drugs that effect a child’s mental development so long as the child is prescribed the drugs. Its not to say all drugs prescribed to children affect them adversely only that some drugs adversely effect children’s mental development. The main drugs that were discussed in this film were Ritalin, Fluoxetine, Prozac which have all been prescribed to children. For some of the drugs prescribed to children there negative effects were no told to the families of the children.
Ritalin is prescribed to people that are suffering from “ADHD” also know as “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder“. Within the documentary they brought up an issue were scientist had a problem explaining what was the defining and the symptoms of ADHD. In 1990 the diagnoses for ADHD rose by 740% from the privies decade. If doctors are unable to tell what the exact symptoms of ADHD then how can they diagnose so many kids with it. Why is it that with so much medical knowledge are unable to explain the exact symptoms of ADHD. In the documentary it discusses how teachers say that they believe a student has ADHD due to the fact that the student wont settle down in the classroom.
The drugs Fluoxetine, Prozac are two drugs that after they were given to people in the community and were told there were no side effects began to suffer. Most notably people began to suffer horrible dreams and thoughts of suicide. Between 1980-1999 There were 28,000 adverse effects and 1,600 suicides which were all people who had one of the drugs in there system. Not to say all these acts are caused by the consumption of the drugs but with people suffering adverse effects just after starting the drugs make it seem as the cause the effects. But for the doctors that were on the council all had a tie to the drug company’s coming out with the drugs so they all were able to profit from the drugs while people suffered terrible side effects.
If people only focus on the drugs that are given the negative spotlight like Cocaine, PCP and Marijuana we seem to forget that prescription drugs can be just as bad. With prescription drugs they are more trusted and families don’t usually watch out for them and may not realize there is any danger from the drugs. But anything that contains the word drug hold some possibility of causing harm even if a drug says it may be harmless.
Ritalin is prescribed to people that are suffering from “ADHD” also know as “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder“. Within the documentary they brought up an issue were scientist had a problem explaining what was the defining and the symptoms of ADHD. In 1990 the diagnoses for ADHD rose by 740% from the privies decade. If doctors are unable to tell what the exact symptoms of ADHD then how can they diagnose so many kids with it. Why is it that with so much medical knowledge are unable to explain the exact symptoms of ADHD. In the documentary it discusses how teachers say that they believe a student has ADHD due to the fact that the student wont settle down in the classroom.
The drugs Fluoxetine, Prozac are two drugs that after they were given to people in the community and were told there were no side effects began to suffer. Most notably people began to suffer horrible dreams and thoughts of suicide. Between 1980-1999 There were 28,000 adverse effects and 1,600 suicides which were all people who had one of the drugs in there system. Not to say all these acts are caused by the consumption of the drugs but with people suffering adverse effects just after starting the drugs make it seem as the cause the effects. But for the doctors that were on the council all had a tie to the drug company’s coming out with the drugs so they all were able to profit from the drugs while people suffered terrible side effects.
If people only focus on the drugs that are given the negative spotlight like Cocaine, PCP and Marijuana we seem to forget that prescription drugs can be just as bad. With prescription drugs they are more trusted and families don’t usually watch out for them and may not realize there is any danger from the drugs. But anything that contains the word drug hold some possibility of causing harm even if a drug says it may be harmless.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Tough Guise
Tough Guise is based on the way in which men are perceived by how Masculine they are and by the men around them. To be considered a man you must be strong show no fear or show any emotion that would be perceived as feminine. Insults that we as a society are derived from feminine body parts like Cunt, Pussy. With the way in which males are brought up to think they are not to show any fear or that they are weak or not strong enough to all the things a normal male can do. If a man was to try and do any activity that is by societies slandered feminine then they would be then harassed and made fun of for doing stuff like watching soap operas or watching girly movies like twilight. To be a male and to like any thing considered feminine is some thing that make it seem to others that they are not manly enough for societies standard. So by societies standards any male that does to match the way in which television portrays what a man should look like. In the 1980’s if you did not look like Sylester Stallone, or Arnold Schwarzenegger then you were not considered to be a real manly man. So if you were smaller than what was portrayed in the media or acted differently than what was portrayed in the media you are look down upon as being less manly. No matter the way in which a man act like the medias image of masculinity it will never stay the same over the years.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Look at the meaning behind "Fag Hags"
A woman that hangs out with gay men is usually known as Fag Hag. To most people who know what a fag hag is many would consider it an insult ,although some women consider it a great honor. Fag hag was made up in the gay community to give a name to women hanging with gay men. One way the media fag hags was through the show Will and Grace where a women moved in with her gay friend who was a lawyer. Will and Grace shows that being known as a fag hag is not a horrible thing. During the Gay Rights movement within the Gay male culture as an insult towards women that hung out exclusively with gay men. People look at women who would rather hang out with gay men rather than with straight females like themselves. With negative connation on the word fag hag like the use of fag which is in it self a derogatory word for a gay man. Hag as so is derogatory in the meaning of it is women who is old a considered to be strange. So people make fun of those Females that would rather be in a heteronormative relationship with a gay man rather than have a homonormative relationship with other females.
In the past fag hag was known as a derogative word although over the years some have tried to reclaim it as a positive connotation. In a blog by a woman known as Cheeky Cheeky, the writer attempts to reclaim the word Fag Hag and shape it so it would no longer be known by its negative connotations. “It was on the street in New York City, and the guy did not mean it as a compliment. Didn't stop me from wearing it like a badge of honor.” (Quinonez). Reworking a word so that it no longer contains any negative connation is a process long and challenging and faces many people that don’t want the word to change. In Labeling Theory it states that “to be labeled a criminal one need only commit a single offence, and this is all the term formally refers to” (Becker 41). Having to go through life under a label make life less enjoyable and more of a struggle than it need to be.
Fag hag from a societal perspective is not always known by people but by what method they learn of the word is the way in which they apply it in their every day life. If an individual raised within a system where as a person learns to apply fag hag as a derogatory word towards straight women that prefer gay men’s company then perhaps they need to understand were the word comes from. While not everyone who learns of Fag Hag in the Negative version will not always use it in that same manner instead maybe they could learn to teach its more positive meaning to others. As Kelly Osborne stated “It wasn't until I googled it after speaking with GLAAD that I found out just how unbelievably offensive it was.”(Osbourne). Osbourne offended many people in the transgender community by using an offensive word “Tranny” that she did not fully understand its meaning.
http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/Aternyde2/faghags.html http://gawker.com/5864554/we-need-a-new-word-for-fag-hag
Some women who hang out with mostly gay men, may seem to be seeking a relationship that they can feel safe in. For people to have a relationship they can feel safe in, is something that help spread the phrase fag hag due in part that some women marry gay men. “Gay men are safe, firstly, because there is no sexual threat.” (Cusak) Even though fag hag started as an insult it has evolved within the gay community as a more positive phrase. By having people in the gay community trying to change the way in which individuals in the gay community perceive each other in the world today. “Like so many other terms that once you would only hear in Chelsea or West Hollywood, fag hag has gotten into the mainstream, so if average (read:straight) Americans out there are using it, maybe we need something with a better message.” (Moylan)
Thio, Alex, (2010) In Deviant Behavior, Boston MA, Pearson 39-41
Cusak, Joan, (2012) Fag Hag- A social Analysis, Feb 26 Retrieved from
Moylan, Brian, (2011) Gawker- We need a New Word for “Fag Hag”, Dec 2, Retrieved From
Quinonez, Carmon, (2012) Cheeky Cheeky, Jan 10, Retrieved From
Osbourne, Kelly, (2011) I’m Retiring the Word ‘Tranny’…Will You join Me, Nov 19 Retrieved From http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kelly-osbourne/transgender-day-of-remembrance_b_1100542.htmlhttp://www.cheekycheeky.info/2012/01/top-5-ways-to-be-fag-hag.html
In the past fag hag was known as a derogative word although over the years some have tried to reclaim it as a positive connotation. In a blog by a woman known as Cheeky Cheeky, the writer attempts to reclaim the word Fag Hag and shape it so it would no longer be known by its negative connotations. “It was on the street in New York City, and the guy did not mean it as a compliment. Didn't stop me from wearing it like a badge of honor.” (Quinonez). Reworking a word so that it no longer contains any negative connation is a process long and challenging and faces many people that don’t want the word to change. In Labeling Theory it states that “to be labeled a criminal one need only commit a single offence, and this is all the term formally refers to” (Becker 41). Having to go through life under a label make life less enjoyable and more of a struggle than it need to be.
Fag hag from a societal perspective is not always known by people but by what method they learn of the word is the way in which they apply it in their every day life. If an individual raised within a system where as a person learns to apply fag hag as a derogatory word towards straight women that prefer gay men’s company then perhaps they need to understand were the word comes from. While not everyone who learns of Fag Hag in the Negative version will not always use it in that same manner instead maybe they could learn to teach its more positive meaning to others. As Kelly Osborne stated “It wasn't until I googled it after speaking with GLAAD that I found out just how unbelievably offensive it was.”(Osbourne). Osbourne offended many people in the transgender community by using an offensive word “Tranny” that she did not fully understand its meaning.
http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/Aternyde2/faghags.html http://gawker.com/5864554/we-need-a-new-word-for-fag-hag
Some women who hang out with mostly gay men, may seem to be seeking a relationship that they can feel safe in. For people to have a relationship they can feel safe in, is something that help spread the phrase fag hag due in part that some women marry gay men. “Gay men are safe, firstly, because there is no sexual threat.” (Cusak) Even though fag hag started as an insult it has evolved within the gay community as a more positive phrase. By having people in the gay community trying to change the way in which individuals in the gay community perceive each other in the world today. “Like so many other terms that once you would only hear in Chelsea or West Hollywood, fag hag has gotten into the mainstream, so if average (read:straight) Americans out there are using it, maybe we need something with a better message.” (Moylan)
Thio, Alex, (2010) In Deviant Behavior, Boston MA, Pearson 39-41
Cusak, Joan, (2012) Fag Hag- A social Analysis, Feb 26 Retrieved from
Moylan, Brian, (2011) Gawker- We need a New Word for “Fag Hag”, Dec 2, Retrieved From
Quinonez, Carmon, (2012) Cheeky Cheeky, Jan 10, Retrieved From
Osbourne, Kelly, (2011) I’m Retiring the Word ‘Tranny’…Will You join Me, Nov 19 Retrieved From http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kelly-osbourne/transgender-day-of-remembrance_b_1100542.htmlhttp://www.cheekycheeky.info/2012/01/top-5-ways-to-be-fag-hag.html
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Film review "Middle Sexes"
“Middle sexes” a film that explores the way in which other culture treat and understand people that are placed under and western society known as transgender. For most cultures they have different names in India the male that become women are known as “Heidra”, while in Bangkok Thailand are known as “Lady Boys”. Within this film it showed the cultures of Transgender women also known as “MTW - Male to Female” where a person born as a man then as they grow up and want to become a woman. The perception of these individuals changes from culture to culture. Most cultures that view transgender as a bad thing are in some ways influenced by western culture.
The show “Middle Sexes” relates to are class on social deviance relate equal well to each other. With the course study we have come to understand to this point it shows that are society. In society anyone who is different than what are societies considers to be normal are considered to be abnormal or socially deviant. Within the film there is a boy named Noah who is a 8 year old from mid-west at that age is already cross dressing. From the perspective of his biological father was worried for his son and hoping that his son will take the easy road or the road of least resistant. They talk about how within the film how if you go against the gain they are faced with the chooses in society.
It seems to me that if you want to love someone no matter their sex, appearance, weight, or relations you should be able to marry and be with any one you wish to be with. With western society the way it is people have to meet a certain criteria. Looking to Bangkok, Thailand and the lady boys where western society had little effect on their perspective on transgender or “lady boys” if all cultures could more readily understand people of the transgender life or “intersexed”.
Having to have a seconded life to be with the one you love is something that is in my option something that would need to be worked on as a society. In the start and end of the film a group of men went on and killed what they thought was a women but was instead was a man in the process of transgender process. To kill someone just because people around them found out that they are transgender and they slept with them? As a culture we find Murder as a horrible thing and to kill someone because of their idea what a women should and shouldn’t have.
Why than as a society to we treat children different than their older counterparts. When children are young and growing up people think of it as a phase for which they will grow out of. Looking at the blog from “Raising My BoyChick” It discusses how as a society we look at children as innocent and not truly aware of why they are experience life. Also how adult are considered to be deviant and made to be outcast in society just because the way they act in society. Along with the difference in the treatment from adults and children there are also the intersex individuals that have there gender chosen for them as a child due to the size of the reproductive organs they have at that time. In the Article “Gender Bender” we are show how doctors treat kids who are born with “The phallus could be considered either a micropenis or an overlarge clitoris.” (Dreger). To Force a child in to a specific gender due to an underdeveloped penis or a overlarge clitoris seems wrong and that it would scar a child to have to go in to surgery and never truly under stand why they are going in to surgery.
Dreger, Alice, (2011) Gender Bender, Ms.blog, November 8. Retrieved from http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2011/11/08/alice-dreger-gender-bender/
Manuel, Emily, (2011) Why Does the Media Show Transgender Children More Sympathetically. Raising my BoyChick. October 2. Retrieved From. http://www.raisingmyboychick.com/2011/10/guest-post-why-does-the-media-show-transgender-children-more-sympathetically/
Middle Sexes can be seen on Youtube in 10 part
Word Count 684
The show “Middle Sexes” relates to are class on social deviance relate equal well to each other. With the course study we have come to understand to this point it shows that are society. In society anyone who is different than what are societies considers to be normal are considered to be abnormal or socially deviant. Within the film there is a boy named Noah who is a 8 year old from mid-west at that age is already cross dressing. From the perspective of his biological father was worried for his son and hoping that his son will take the easy road or the road of least resistant. They talk about how within the film how if you go against the gain they are faced with the chooses in society.
It seems to me that if you want to love someone no matter their sex, appearance, weight, or relations you should be able to marry and be with any one you wish to be with. With western society the way it is people have to meet a certain criteria. Looking to Bangkok, Thailand and the lady boys where western society had little effect on their perspective on transgender or “lady boys” if all cultures could more readily understand people of the transgender life or “intersexed”.
Having to have a seconded life to be with the one you love is something that is in my option something that would need to be worked on as a society. In the start and end of the film a group of men went on and killed what they thought was a women but was instead was a man in the process of transgender process. To kill someone just because people around them found out that they are transgender and they slept with them? As a culture we find Murder as a horrible thing and to kill someone because of their idea what a women should and shouldn’t have.
Why than as a society to we treat children different than their older counterparts. When children are young and growing up people think of it as a phase for which they will grow out of. Looking at the blog from “Raising My BoyChick” It discusses how as a society we look at children as innocent and not truly aware of why they are experience life. Also how adult are considered to be deviant and made to be outcast in society just because the way they act in society. Along with the difference in the treatment from adults and children there are also the intersex individuals that have there gender chosen for them as a child due to the size of the reproductive organs they have at that time. In the Article “Gender Bender” we are show how doctors treat kids who are born with “The phallus could be considered either a micropenis or an overlarge clitoris.” (Dreger). To Force a child in to a specific gender due to an underdeveloped penis or a overlarge clitoris seems wrong and that it would scar a child to have to go in to surgery and never truly under stand why they are going in to surgery.
Dreger, Alice, (2011) Gender Bender, Ms.blog, November 8. Retrieved from http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2011/11/08/alice-dreger-gender-bender/
Manuel, Emily, (2011) Why Does the Media Show Transgender Children More Sympathetically. Raising my BoyChick. October 2. Retrieved From. http://www.raisingmyboychick.com/2011/10/guest-post-why-does-the-media-show-transgender-children-more-sympathetically/
Middle Sexes can be seen on Youtube in 10 part
Word Count 684
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Am i deviant by society perpective
In my life I’m considered to be a Cisgender, male who is tall, over weight and has to wear glasses. I also play a card game know as Magic the Gathering which I consider to be fun but for others it can be considered a game for deviants or nerds. For most of my life I was the quiet “Be Seen and not Heard Child” for me it was the entering of high school, then the entering the college system that to feel as if being the quiet one would no longer be the best option for my life. During it felt like all I need to do was follow “the Path of Least Resistance” and become a high school sports player. Growing up I felt like I was under the “Shaming Theory” were I did not want to disappoint my parents so I joined the wrestling team my junior year and joined the FFA freshman year of high school. “Shaming Theory means, imposed as a sanction by the criminal justice system, that is thought to strengthen the moral bond between the offender and the community” (Thio 33). So growing up I was a average by the norms of society today. Once I moved on to college I started to play the card game Magic the Gathering. Magic the Gathering which is a very popular game for some people, while for others it can be considered deviant. In the mind of some people individuals that play magic are heavy set, foul smelling and don’t take care of them self’s. So in today’s society if I was to inform someone that I played Magic the Gathering and the did not know me they may jump to the conclusion that I should match the stereotype of some magic players. “Labeling Theory” (Thio 39) is the best way to describe why people would get their ideas about individuals that play magic the gathering. Being labeled as a deviant Magic player can be hurt full due to the fact I’m an individual that prides my self on being a kind individual and to have some one label me deviant because some random magic players are deviant.
Part 2
During this week I decided to do a experiment to see what people say or do if I went around all day with my cloths backwards and inside out. I started off by going in to Wal-Mart and to walk around for over an hour shopping and analysis the people around me to see what the general reactions to me was. One of the main reaction that I reserved was the quick eye glance then glancing away which made me feel awkward to be around people and to wonder what they thought of me. I had one individual openly stated “Hey your cloths are back words and then he tried to tell me I was wrong in how I was wearing my cloths and said I need to change them with no other reason than I was wrong in how I dress. With my clothing being on the wrong direction it seemed to help me to under stand that people can have an idea how something is suppose to be done by social norms but in reality you can do it any way you want too.
It was interesting that by going ageist the social norms of how we are suppose to dress get so many subtle but notable reactions. It felt freeing and interesting to realize that there was really not a difference when wearing my clothes differently only in the way that a person perceives me. To be perceived in a different light can affect a person whether its in the publics eyes or in the eyes of law enforcement. If you look at the article “What it’s like to be 17 and Having Sex for Money” in this article it talk about three different people and the perception on the sex trade. Within the article it states that we think all girls that accept money for sex are criminals and that the women are not victims. By looking at how many young girls that are trap in the trade are truth ally victims and how we look at them matter for peoples life’s. Looking at the article “For Poor, the Bail System Can Be an Obstacle to Freedom” It shows that most people who are under the poverty line and are arrested for crimes face the challenge of individuals being in charge of there freedom. They also face the change of being perceived as a offender that can be stuck in the system unable to get back in to society and find a job due to the fact they are perceived as an offender.
Word count 885
Work Cited
Thio, Alex, Thomas C. Calhoun and Addrain Conyers. 2010. Reading in Deviant Behavior-Sixth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780205695577 pg. 33-38
Thio, Alex, Thomas C. Calhoun and Addrain Conyers. 2010. Reading in Deviant Behavior-Sixth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780205695577 pg. 39-41
Sher, Julian. (2010). What It's Like to Be 17 and Having Sex for Money. Chicago Review Press. December 16. Retrieved from:
Eligon, John, (2011), For Poor, the Bail System Can Be an Obstacle to Freedom. New York times. January 9. Retrieved from: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/10/nyregion/10bailbonds.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all
http://www.alternet.org/story/149228/what_it 27s_like_to_be_17_and_sex_for_money
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Women and hip-hop and those that arent allowed
The industries of hip-hop and rap much use in the back ground of most of their videos beautiful sexy women. The women that are used with in these videos are those who exuberate the idea what Americans see or what we are supposed to believe to be the ideals of what women should look like. Women who are tall, with a voluptuous frame and big boobs are usually in the back ground of music videos. In reality do women match up with the images we are given to look at in videos. Within the genre of rap and hip-hop women who appear in front of the camera appear differently than those that are sitting at their home watching these videos. The women that don’t match up with the image portrayed within music videos are those who in today’s society people consider to be different. Women in today’s society are normally “Height 63.8 in or 5ft 3in, weight 164.7lbs, waist 37in” (Center of Disease Control) if you look at what the heights models are they are usually 5ft 7in and taller (Americas Next Top Model). The difference in height may not be extreme but for many women it can be extreme because many women are under 5ft 3in. So then why is it that we make women see an image of what they should look like if not all women are tall or have the exact curves.
To have an image on TV of what the ideal women looks like then young women would start to think that’s the way all women are suppose to look like when they are older. Young children in the world watching the videos done in the hip-hop and rap world leads to society idea of what women should look like and act like. With children seeing the images of what the media shows as what beautiful is suppose to look like. Having prejudgments in children when there growing up and when someone breaks those prejudgments then there’s a strong chance she will be made fun of in the eyes of her class mates. By having images of what the music media sees as beautiful is a strong influence on popular culture and all the people that are watching it. By having social media more readably available for people to watch and learn different ideas from social media.
With girls watching music videos from hip-hop and rap they see in the back ground of the videos the ideas of what beautiful women are suppose look like. By looking at video by Artist like Pitbull, Snoop Dogg, LMAFO, Akon you see that in back ground of these videos have very beautiful women in them that make it seem that is how women should look like. When hip-hop and rap industries hire people for the videos they can look over the women that do not match the ideas of what women look like in their eyes or the eye of there consumer. By setting up the way in which people perceive music it shows them how that audience thinks. By understanding their audience it opens up for them a way to understand what to market to a selected audience and how to market to them. For hip-hop and rap one of their biggest marketing ploys is sex and sexuality sells and if you’re not sexy then you’re not included. With a majority of women not meeting the ideas of all men then most women are thought less maybe even ignored. With having so much popular media that shows what is thought of as being what women should look like. But no matter what is placed on to music videos it still makes most women appear to be different then what women truelly look like in society. 640 word
Work cited
Americas Next Top Model, http://www.cwtv.com/images/topmodel/antm_cylce9_eligibility.pdfCenter for Diesiese Control, http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/bodymeas.htm
To have an image on TV of what the ideal women looks like then young women would start to think that’s the way all women are suppose to look like when they are older. Young children in the world watching the videos done in the hip-hop and rap world leads to society idea of what women should look like and act like. With children seeing the images of what the media shows as what beautiful is suppose to look like. Having prejudgments in children when there growing up and when someone breaks those prejudgments then there’s a strong chance she will be made fun of in the eyes of her class mates. By having images of what the music media sees as beautiful is a strong influence on popular culture and all the people that are watching it. By having social media more readably available for people to watch and learn different ideas from social media.
With girls watching music videos from hip-hop and rap they see in the back ground of the videos the ideas of what beautiful women are suppose look like. By looking at video by Artist like Pitbull, Snoop Dogg, LMAFO, Akon you see that in back ground of these videos have very beautiful women in them that make it seem that is how women should look like. When hip-hop and rap industries hire people for the videos they can look over the women that do not match the ideas of what women look like in their eyes or the eye of there consumer. By setting up the way in which people perceive music it shows them how that audience thinks. By understanding their audience it opens up for them a way to understand what to market to a selected audience and how to market to them. For hip-hop and rap one of their biggest marketing ploys is sex and sexuality sells and if you’re not sexy then you’re not included. With a majority of women not meeting the ideas of all men then most women are thought less maybe even ignored. With having so much popular media that shows what is thought of as being what women should look like. But no matter what is placed on to music videos it still makes most women appear to be different then what women truelly look like in society. 640 word
Americas Next Top Model, http://www.cwtv.com/images/topmodel/antm_cylce9_eligibility.pdfCenter for Diesiese Control, http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/bodymeas.htm
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