Sunday, January 22, 2012

Women and hip-hop and those that arent allowed

       The industries of hip-hop and rap much use in the back ground of most of their videos beautiful sexy women. The women that are used with in these videos are those who exuberate the idea what Americans see or what we are supposed to believe to be the ideals of what women should look like. Women who are tall, with a voluptuous frame and big boobs are usually in the back ground of music videos. In reality do women match up with the images we are given to look at in videos. Within the genre of rap and hip-hop women who appear in front of the camera appear differently than those that are sitting at their home watching these videos. The women that don’t match up with the image portrayed within music videos are those who in today’s society people consider to be different. Women in today’s society are normally “Height 63.8 in or 5ft 3in, weight 164.7lbs, waist 37in” (Center of Disease Control) if you look at what the heights models are they are usually 5ft 7in and taller (Americas Next Top Model). The difference in height may not be extreme but for many women it can be extreme because many women are under 5ft 3in. So then why is it that we make women see an image of what they should look like if not all women are tall or have the exact curves.
To have an image on TV of what the ideal women looks like then young women would start to think that’s the way all women are suppose to look like when they are older. Young children in the world watching the videos done in the hip-hop and rap world leads to society idea of what women should look like and act like. With children seeing the images of what the media shows as what beautiful is suppose to look like. Having prejudgments in children when there growing up and when someone breaks those prejudgments then there’s a strong chance she will be made fun of in the eyes of her class mates. By having images of what the music media sees as beautiful is a strong influence on popular culture and all the people that are watching it. By having social media more readably available for people to watch and learn different ideas from social media.
With girls watching music videos from hip-hop and rap they see in the back ground of the videos the ideas of what beautiful women are suppose look like. By looking at video by Artist like Pitbull, Snoop Dogg, LMAFO, Akon  you see that in back ground of these videos have very beautiful women in them that make it seem that is how women should look like. When hip-hop and rap industries hire people for the videos they can look over the women that do not match the ideas of what women look like in their eyes or the eye of there consumer. By setting up the way in which people perceive music it shows them how that audience thinks. By understanding their audience it opens up for them a way to understand what to market to a selected audience and how to market to them. For hip-hop and rap one of their biggest marketing ploys is sex and sexuality sells and if you’re not sexy then you’re not included. With a majority of women not meeting the ideas of all men then most women are thought less maybe even ignored. With having so much popular media that shows what is thought of as being what women should look like. But no matter what is placed on to music videos it  still makes most women appear to be different then what women truelly look like in society. 640 word

Work cited

Americas Next Top Model,
Center for Diesiese Control,