Sunday, February 5, 2012

Am i deviant by society perpective

In my life I’m considered to be a Cisgender, male who is tall, over weight and has to wear glasses. I also play a card game know as Magic the Gathering which I consider to be fun but for others it can be considered a game for deviants or nerds. For most of my life I was the quiet “Be Seen and not Heard Child” for me it was the entering of high school, then the entering the college system that to feel as if being the quiet one would no longer be the best option for my life. During it felt like all I need to do was follow “the Path of Least Resistance” and become a high school sports player. Growing up I felt like I was under the “Shaming Theory” were I did not want to disappoint my parents so I joined the wrestling team my junior year and joined the FFA freshman year of high school. “Shaming Theory means, imposed as a sanction by the criminal justice system, that is thought to strengthen the moral bond between the offender and the community” (Thio 33). So growing up I was a average by the norms of society today. Once I moved on to college I started to play the card game Magic the Gathering. Magic the Gathering which is a very popular game for some people, while for others it can be considered deviant. In the mind of some people individuals that play magic are heavy set, foul smelling and don’t take care of them self’s. So in today’s society if I was to inform someone that I played Magic the Gathering and the did not know me they may jump to the conclusion that I should match the stereotype of some magic players. “Labeling Theory” (Thio 39) is the best way to describe why people would get their ideas about individuals that play magic the gathering. Being labeled as a deviant Magic player can be hurt full due to the fact I’m an individual that prides my self on being a kind individual and to have some one label me deviant because some random magic players are deviant.


Part 2
During this week I decided to do a experiment to see what people say or do if I went around all day with my cloths backwards and inside out. I started off by going in to Wal-Mart and to walk around for over an hour shopping and analysis the people around me to see what the general reactions to me was. One of the main reaction that I reserved was the quick eye glance then glancing away which made me feel awkward to be around people and to wonder what they thought of me. I had one individual openly stated “Hey your cloths are back words and then he tried to tell me I was wrong in how I was wearing my cloths and said I need to change them with no other reason than I was wrong in how I dress. With my clothing being on the wrong direction it seemed to help me to under stand that people can have an idea how something is suppose to be done by social norms but in reality you can do it any way you want too.
It was interesting that by going ageist the social norms of how we are suppose to dress get so many subtle but notable reactions. It felt freeing and interesting to realize that there was really not a difference when wearing my clothes differently only in the way that a person perceives me. To be perceived in a different light can affect a person whether its in the publics eyes or in the eyes of law enforcement. If you look at the article “What it’s like to be 17 and Having Sex for Money” in this article it talk about three different people and the perception on the sex trade. Within the article it states that we think all girls that accept money for sex are criminals and that the women are not victims. By looking at how many young girls that are trap in the trade are truth ally victims and how we look at them matter for peoples life’s. Looking at the article “For Poor, the Bail System Can Be an Obstacle to Freedom” It shows that most people who are under the poverty line and are arrested for crimes face the challenge of individuals being in charge of there freedom. They also face the change of being perceived as a offender that can be stuck in the system unable to get back in to society and find a job due to the fact they are perceived as an offender.
Word count 885

Work Cited 
Thio, Alex, Thomas C. Calhoun and Addrain Conyers. 2010. Reading in Deviant Behavior-Sixth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780205695577 pg. 33-38

Thio, Alex, Thomas C. Calhoun and Addrain Conyers. 2010. Reading in Deviant Behavior-Sixth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780205695577 pg. 39-41

Sher, Julian. (2010). What It's Like to Be 17 and Having Sex for Money. Chicago Review Press. December 16. Retrieved from:

Eligon, John, (2011), For Poor, the Bail System Can Be an Obstacle to Freedom. New York times. January 9. Retrieved from: 27s_like_to_be_17_and_sex_for_money


  1. Wow! I've walked around unintentionally with my shirt on backward and never had someone react to me that way! People get so snappy about such silly things! I hadn't thought about Magic players being deviant, but you're right, and that's a completely unfair assumption for people to make!

  2. Disagree/Do Better

    First of all, I am as shocked as the other person that commented, and feel that how you were treated is wrong! I don't see why it's anyone else's business how you wear your clothes, and would never point that out to a stranger as something they needed to change!

    There were a couple of reasons I said that you could do better next time, the first of which is grammar. There were quite a few spelling and grammatical errors, and that is definitely something I would suggest you work on in the future. I know Meredith has suggested using something like Word, where it will highlight something you may have spelled wrong. I have used this myself many times, and found it to be very helpful!

    Another thing I thought could use some improvement is the tone of your post. While it was a very interesting read, and a blog I will definitely check out in the future, I feel that next time it could use a more academic voice. The post from Brian might be worth reviewing.

    I look forward to reading your future posts!
