Sunday, February 12, 2012

Film review "Middle Sexes"

“Middle sexes” a film that explores the way in which other culture treat and understand people that are placed under and western society known as transgender. For most cultures they have different names in India the male that become women are known as “Heidra”, while in Bangkok Thailand are known as “Lady Boys”. Within this film it showed the cultures of Transgender women also known as “MTW - Male to Female” where a person born as a man then as they grow up and want to become a woman. The perception of these individuals changes from culture to culture. Most cultures that view transgender as a bad thing are in some ways influenced by western culture.
The show “Middle Sexes” relates to are class on social deviance relate equal well to each other. With the course study we have come to understand to this point it shows that are society. In society anyone who is different than what are societies considers to be normal are considered to be abnormal or socially deviant. Within the film there is a boy named Noah who is a 8 year old from mid-west at that age is already cross dressing. From the perspective of his biological father was worried for his son and hoping that his son will take the easy road or the road of least resistant. They talk about how within the film how if you go against the gain they are faced with the chooses in society.
It seems to me that if you want to love someone no matter their sex, appearance, weight, or relations you should be able to marry and be with any one you wish to be with. With western society the way it is people have to meet a certain criteria. Looking to Bangkok, Thailand and the lady boys where western society had little effect on their perspective on transgender or “lady boys” if all cultures could more readily understand people of the transgender life or “intersexed”.
Having to have a seconded life to be with the one you love is something that is in my option something that would need to be worked on as a society. In the start and end of the film a group of men went on and killed what they thought was a women but was instead was a man in the process of transgender process. To kill someone just because people around them found out that they are transgender and they slept with them? As a culture we find Murder as a horrible thing and to kill someone because of their idea what a women should and shouldn’t have.
Why than as a society to we treat children different than their older counterparts. When children are young and growing up people think of it as a phase for which they will grow out of. Looking at the blog from “Raising My BoyChick” It discusses how as a society we look at children as innocent and not truly aware of why they are experience life. Also how adult are considered to be deviant and made to be outcast in society just because the way they act in society. Along with the difference in the treatment from adults and children there are also the intersex individuals that have there gender chosen for them as a child due to the size of the reproductive organs they have at that time. In the Article “Gender Bender” we are show how doctors treat kids who are born with “The phallus could be considered either a micropenis or an overlarge clitoris.” (Dreger). To Force a child in to a specific gender due to an underdeveloped penis or a overlarge clitoris seems wrong and that it would scar a child to have to go in to surgery and never truly under stand why they are going in to surgery.
Dreger, Alice, (2011) Gender Bender,, November 8. Retrieved from
Manuel, Emily, (2011) Why Does the Media Show Transgender Children More Sympathetically. Raising my BoyChick. October 2. Retrieved From.
Middle Sexes can be seen on Youtube in 10 part
Word Count 684

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